This is a true story of how one of my original wooden oracle cards from my #innercomass_oracle deck got to trave to Ireland….it has to do with a girl, her wish and the far-off land of her dreams..

I have a good friend who is a big fan of Ireland. The people, the culture, the landscape, just everything about the “green Island” makes her heart sing. On one recent advent Sunday afternoon, just before going on her next trip to Ireland, she came over to enjoy some home baked apple strudel and Glühwein, telling me all about her plans to live on this island in the North Atlantic and how this was her biggest dream. As we talked about dreams and wishes she asked to look at some of my original wooden oracle cards that I have turned into a published deck for sale in my Etsy shop.

As she was going through the box in which I keep the original collages she suddenly cried out to me, holding one card in her hand: “this is my card”! and I could see her eyes tearing up. It was the “WISH” card. And looking at it,  it comes as no surprise that this card feels like it belongs to her: it shows a girl sitting at a desk, writing a letter – or a wish list – with the sea and a ship in the background.

My friend purchased the card immediately through my shop and took it home with her. She listened to my advice on how to work with the card and placed it in her luggage when she stepped on the airplane to Ireland a week later.  Shortly afterwards I received these wonderful images of the card travelling with her to all those magical places holding the vision of her dream of Ireland where is making plenty of surprising connections…


We all need some magic in our lives and I believe that symbolic objects – like an oracle card that speaks to your heart – can be a meaningful part of connecting to our dreams and wishes and to the magic along our soul’s journey.


Want to get yourself some magic, too?

   I have a SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SALE ON the remaining ORIGINAL wooden oracle cards from my “Inner Compass Oracle Deck” in my Etsy shop. Receive 20% discount until December 24th! 

To purchase the entire oracle deck, click HERE.

Wishing you all a magical Christmas season ~ may all your wishes come true!



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