“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”
I definitely agree with this quote by Henry Miller. I have just returned from a magical trip to Portugal and the Canary Islands (Spain) and not only am I filled to the brim with inspiration and happy vibes, but I also recognize how it changes me and the way I look at things. Oh, I love travelling and what it does to me. It makes me feel like a new person with a fresher and broader outlook on life! I invite you to enjoy some of the images I took on this trip with me as I go down memory lane…
Taking photographs to capture visual beauty comes right after making collages for me. Besides, I could never remember all those breathtaking moments if it weren’t for cameras. Another thing I am grateful for.
Do you have similar experiences? In case you also just returned from a trip, why not make a painting or collage using the colors that impacted you? Another fun way to keep your travel moments alive is to use all the tickets, postcards, flyers and other ephemera and turn it into a travel memory collage.
Also check out my “Summer Solstice – A time to celebrate fullness” blog post for more summer related inspiration and rituals. Even if you don’t get to travel this summer, you can create a vision board with your dream destinations…
And don’t forget, I have a free mini step-by-step collage project for those rainy summer days. You can download it HERE