“Spring will come and so will happiness. Hold on. Life will get warmer.” – Anita Krizzan

I love this message during these times of never before experienced uncertainty, when our usual day-to-day lives are put on hold and things change from one minute to another. One thing is for sure: Spring is on its way and will delight us with its message of renewal, rejuvenation and new beginnings. Nothing will stop the birds from singing and the trees and flowers from budding and blossoming. We are part of this endless cycle of death, transformation and rebirth. There is a deep wisdom and strength in this process. We can accept these lessons which nature so magnificently presents to us year after year and move mindfully with the flow of life as it shows up in each moment.ย  We can still connect to joy and hope and in the meantime go within and listen. One of my favorite ways to get grounded and connected is to get out my art supplies and create a collage. It makes me tune into my intuitive knowing and gives me access to higher guidance. And it provides so much joy!As part of my “Four Seasons – Four Oracle Cards” project I have just finished filming the making of the SPRING card and I hope it will bring you joy and also inspires you to make your own collage or painting to welcome Spring and all its blessings. You can find instructions further below ๐Ÿ™‚



How to make your own collage

Materials needed:

  1. magazines, scrap paper etc. for images
  2. card board or canvas as a base; sketchbook
  3. a glue stick
  4. a pair of scissors
  5. optional: acrylic paint, watercolors, crayons, glitter, washi tape, stickers (whatever you have at home)

Instructions (watch the video for inspiration)

  • Look for a central image that speaks to you and that feels like Springย  (flowers, animals, people). Donโ€™t spend more than 10 minutes on this step, be spontaneous and go with your first impulse, donโ€™t try to question or doubt your intuitive choice, let your inner voice guide you.
  • Now create a background with scraps of paper or paint as I did in my video. What colors do you feel drawn to? What textures? What mood/emotions do they evoke? Tip: Keep the background more simple as it t functions to showcase your collage image(s) and provides some texture.
  • Once the background is done, place your central image on the surface and add 1 or 2 more collage elements. Move the images around and play with the composition until it feels right (you can watch that process in my video). Once you feel happy with the layout glue everything in place. To finish the collage you can doodle or add text until you feel that your story is complete.
  • At last, look at your collage and explore its message to you. If you have a journal you can do some writing, too. How about writing a poem or a mantra based on your collage that gives you strength, courage and joy?

REMEMBER: This is not about making something perfect but about having fun and enjoying the creative process! I suggest to put on some happy, calming music while you play with your art materials! ENJOY!



For more creative Spring rituals go to this post

For more tutorials and inspiration click here to subscribe to my Youtube Channel



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