2020 had me move my SoulCollage® Sunday workshops online and a new experience opened up for myself. I was able to connect to women across the world in different countries, cultures and times zones to share my passion for SoulCollage®. Even though online workshops can never replace the experience of an in-person event for participants as well as for me the facilitator, it has been a very enriching and rewarding experience beyond what I had imagined. At the end of the year we have established a wonderful international online community of creative soul searchers who support and share the experience of SoulCollage@ with each other. The feedback and connections have touched me deeply and keep bringing me much joy. One of the participants even took the SoulCollage® facilitator training after getting to know the process through these workshops!
I am so very grateful and pleased and thus like to honor our community with a little online gallery that I have set up on my website. The creative and spiritual energy in these cards is truly beautiful. This gallery will continue to grow as we continue our journey together. CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW to visit the gallery.
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