Hello, beautiful Souls!

I am happy to announce my new little mini series on YouTube:

“Art & Soul with Heather”

Over the next few weeks I like to share with you some of my favorite exercises or practices on how to work with different types of imagery – from magazines pages, to different types of coaching cards, oracle- and tarot cards, postcards, SoulCollage® cards and photographs, as a way to communicate with your subconscious mind and encourage personal growth as well as emotional and spiritual well-being.

My hope is that you consider the videos as inspiration points through which you can enter into your own process. A fun and often enlightening process of exploration where the aesthetic end result is way less important than what you discovered along the journey.

I highly recommend that you first watch the video until the end, before you dive in yourself.

You only need the following materials:

  • a selection of colored postcards WITHOUT text on the front (at least 10).
  • A substrate like cardboard, cardstock or an art journal
  • Gluestick, scissors and a pencil
  • A journal and pen (optional)
  • Crayons, colored pencils (optional)

The series starts off with me sharing how I work with postcards.

🖼 👉 Here is part I where I share how I work with postcards for self-exploration.

I really look forward to your feedback and comments. Enjoy watching and exploring!



You can watch the other videos in this series H E R E 

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