„You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.“
(Maya Angelou)
I am heartbroken on this International Women’s Day 2022 but I keep focusing on Light and Love!
I dedicate the collages in this post to the women of Ukraine!
And to all the women who have to experience the horrors of war.
With the simple and peaceful „weapon“ of scissors, glue stick and magazine images of women and girls I give voice to my
, sending a signal out into the world! STOP ALL WARS!!!
Women are a powerful force of love, compassion, courage and limitless inner strength. We need more of that light vibration.
The eons of old male warlords fighting greedy, bloody and meaningless wars for power are over!
Sending love to all my soul sisters. I love you
© Copyright Heather Hoeps