Since I became a SoulCollage® facilitator in Italy in 2019 it was my dream to attend an international gathering to meet other facilitators from around the world and experience the magic of SoulCollage® in different ways together as a community. This June that dream became reality. This blog post intends to give a brief impression of this transformative week.
This Being Human Is A Guest House… In those difficult moments, when your mind is troubled and your heart feels…
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2019 Review
“Today I choose to live with gratitude for the love that fills my heart, the peace that rests within my…
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A Winter Solstice Mandala – An Intuitive Art Directive for the Darkest Night of the Year
This art directive is meant to celebrate the symbolism of the Winter Solstice in a creative and personally meaningful way with a mixed-media collage mandala (Mandala= Sanskrit for “sacred circle”).
Becoming a certified SoulCollage® Facilitator in Italy
Becoming a SoulCollage® Facilitator in Italy My SoulCollage® journey started in the summer of 2018 when I discovered the book…
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