Individual Coaching Page

One-on-One Coaching

Are you a woman at a pivotal point in her life, where significant changes beckon you to explore deeper realms of psychological and spiritual growth?

Are you ready to embark on your own Heroine's Journey, embracing change as a catalyst for growth and Personal transformation?

Who you are:

The results you will harvest:

The Initiate:

She feels a stirring within, a call to adventure that prompts her to explore new avenues of growth. She may be experiencing major life changes such as career shifts, relationship transitions, or spiritual awakenings. She craves deeper understanding and seeks meaning in her life's journey.

The Threshold Crosser:

She is ready to confront her fears and insecurities, viewing change as an opportunity rather than a threat. She possesses a courageous spirit and a willingness to step into the unknown. She understands that true transformation requires facing challenges head-on.

THE Depth explorer:

She is introspective and curious about the inner workings of her psyche. She is prepared to confront her shadow aspects and transform them into sources of wisdom and strength. She recognizes the value of self-discovery and is open to undergoing a profound metamorphosis.

The Liminal Navigator:

She is ready to learn how to navigate the transitional phases of life, embracing the uncertainties and dualities inherent in change. She seeks mindfulness and inner peace amidst the flux of transitions. She is eager to retrieve the elixir of wisdom from the liminal space and integrate it into her life.

The Rebirth Preparer:

She is ready to shed old patterns and beliefs to make room for new beginnings. She is proactive and intentional in setting goals, crafting action plans, and making internal shifts for spiritual renewal. She approaches this stage with determination and clarity, understanding that it's a pivotal moment for transformation.

The Transformer

She longs to emerge from her journey transformed, with a renewed sense of self and purpose. She seeks to integrate her newfound wisdom into her everyday life. She is committed to maintaining balance, celebrating her growth, and building a future aligned with her authentic self.

Do you hear your inner heroine's call to embark on your unique archetypal path of self-empowerment through change?

“My coaching programs are tailored exclusively for women navigating change and transition and, who seek clarity and confidence for their next steps in life

Each coaching program seamlessly blends holistic life coaching methods with the transformative power of creative tools such as intuitive collage, and the ancient wisdom of archetypal Tarot.”

Your Bonus Gift included in every Coaching Program is my "Inner Journey" Major Arcana Tarot Deck which serves as one of the soul coaching tools.

Coaching Packages

From Chaos to Clarity: Inner Compass Vision Quest

3 Months Journey

Are you ready to enter the Sacred Labyrinth and activate Your Inner Compass? Embrace a deep, creative soul journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation. Your new beginning awaits!

Embark on this 3-month vision quest unlocking the wisdom and guidance of your inner compass to step confidently into the next phase of your life. Experience the transformative blend of holistic coaching, intuitive art, and archetypal tarot, discovering clarity and new energy to move forward with authenticity and in alignment with your values and purpose.

Who this is for:

You are a woman who is:

  • at the verge of a big change or transition into a new phase or chapter of her life.
  • reflecting on her life so far and desiring deeper self-awareness  about who she is now and who she is called to become as her transition unfolds.
  • ready to understand potential blocks, identify outlived narratives and align her values, goals and desires with her purpose.

What’s inside:

Reflect on your current Path & Activate Your Inner Compass:

Reflect on your life journey and current life stage. Diving into your beliefs and values with creative life mapping. Understand your story, your patterns and beliefs and what’s holding you back.

Identity Quest & Creative Visioning:

Explore your Self, considering different perspectives and explore options to align who you are with your highest potential and your goals.

Future Mapping & Goal Setting

Understanding purpose. Elevating your Potential. Building new anchor points and creating a detailed action plan to achieve your goal. Outlining specific tasks, deadlines, and resources needed to move forward.


  • Experience a Sense of Clarity and Direction You’ll feel more in tune with your inner self, allowing you to shed confusion and find a clear path that resonates with your true values.

  • Gain Confidence in Your Identity and Purpose As you explore your core beliefs and reimagine your future, you’ll discover a deeper sense of who you are and why it matters, bringing a new level of confidence and motivation.

  • Feel Empowered to Achieve Your Goals With a clear action plan and defined steps, you’ll gain the confidence to pursue your dreams and the empowerment to make them a reality.

920 payable upon registration, either in full, OR divided into 3 equal payments (€306) upon registration, and the others a month apart.
  • 6 twice-monthly sessions on Zoom
  • Sessions are 90-120 minutes long
  • Support via Email or Voxer between sessions
  • Sessions will be customized to meet your needs and your specific situation.

What’s included:


  • Uncover where you are now and what you want to create in our work together.
  • Create the foundation of our coaching relationship. Define specific, measurable goals based on the personal vision for your life that you truly want.


  • We will meet regularly to recognize, reinvent, and reconstruct your internal and external world and take action on your identified focus areas. Get a lasting transformation that will change your life forever.
  • Complete insightful assessments & review the results together to get clarity on a life & career path that makes the most sense for you.
  • Set action items to complete between our sessions, putting powerful productivity tools to use in your daily  life.
  • Get accountability check-ins as your life evolves between sessions.


    • When it’s time to pause or complete our work, we will spend our final session reviewing our progress and setting the stage for your continued self-sustained growth. The door will remain open to resuming our work under new arrangements.

Bonus Resource Kit: complimentary copy of the Inner Journey Tarot deck & workbook, compilation of tools & exercises to integrate into your personal tool kit.

From Transition to Transformation: The Ultimate Heroine's Journey

6 Months Journey

Explore the concept of the hero(ine)’s journey and its transformative potential for new growth and direction in your life. Embarking on a journey of change is akin to a mythic quest, an exploration that unfolds over time, revealing layers of personal psychological and spiritual growth.

Who this is for:

You are a woman who is

experiencing major life change.

craves deeper understanding and seeks meaning in her life’s journey.

desires support in navigating the transitional phases of life, embracing the uncertainties and dualities inherent in change.

What’s inside:

The Initiation – The Journey Begins:

    • This marks the inception of your Heroine’s Journey, triggered by a significant change beckoning you to explore your current state of personal psychological and spiritual growth. It’s the call to adventure that sets the transformative wheels in motion.

Crossing the Threshold – Opening the Gateway:

    • Confront fears and insecurities as you embrace change as an opportunity for growth. This stage is about accepting the call, committing to the journey, and courageously stepping into the unknown, where profound transformation awaits.

Into the Depth-Illuminating the Shadow:

    • Understand central conflicts within, transforming them into pearls of wisdom. Delve into the depths of your being, undergoing a metamorphosis that reshapes your understanding of self and the world. 

Mapping the Liminal Space:

    • Navigate the transitional space between endings and new beginnings. Embrace dualities, retrieve the Elixir and equip yourself with mindfulness tools to navigate this liminal phase with trust and grace.

Preparing for Rebirth & Renewal:

    • Engage in an inner cleanse for spiritual renewal, make crucial internal decisions, and craft a new personal narrative. This stage involves goal setting, action planning, and empowering yourself to step into the next chapter of your life.

The Return into the Ordinary World:

    • Emerge transformed with a new narrative about self and life. Restore balance, celebrate your journey, and build a future aligned with your newfound wisdom. 


  • Expect to experience profound personal growth, deepened self-awareness, and a renewed sense of purpose and empowerment as you step into the next chapter of your life (internally and/or externally).
  • You will emerge from this coaching program equipped with the tools, insights, and resilience needed to navigate life’s challenges and embrace your  story with courage, clarity, wisdom and authenticity.
3000 payable upon registration, either in full, OR divided into 6 monthly payments of €500.
  • 12 twice-monthly sessions on Zoom
  • Sessions are 90-120 minutes long
  • Support via Email or Voxer between sessions
  • Sessions will be customized to meet your needs and your specific situation.

What’s included:


  • Uncover where you are now and what you want to create in our work together.
  • Create the foundation of our coaching relationship. Define specific, measurable goals based on the personal vision for your life that you truly want.


  • We will meet regularly to recognize, reinvent, and reconstruct your internal and external world and take action on your identified focus areas. Get a lasting transformation that will change your life forever.
  • Complete insightful assessments & review the results together to get clarity on a life & career path that makes the most sense for you.
  • Set action items to complete between our sessions, putting powerful productivity tools to use in your daily  life.
  • Get accountability check-ins as your life evolves between sessions.


    • When it’s time to pause or complete our work, we will spend our final session reviewing our progress and setting the stage for your continued self-sustained growth. The door will remain open to resuming our work under new arrangements.

Bonus Resource Kit: complimentary copy of the Inner Journey Tarot deck & workbook, compilation of tools & exercises to integrate into your personal tool kit

Bonus Integration Session:

  • Rising into Wholeness: Integration and Reflection
    • This workshop focuses on integrating the lessons from your Heroine’s Journey, reflecting on your transformation, and sharing the elixir of your experiences. It serves as a special moment of completion and celebration.

10-Session Coaching Package
-The Art of Integration: Nurturing Your New Self (for existing clients)

Transitioning back into everyday life after significant change can be challenging, especially when you’re embracing a renewed sense of self and a fresh perspective. Building on our initial coaching journey, this 10-session package offers continuous support and guidance as you integrate newfound clarity and confidence into your daily experiences. Together, we’ll explore practical strategies to align your actions with your evolving sense of self, empowering you to build a new path for yourself aligned with you values and purpose.

What’s inside:

As you re-enter your everyday life with a newfound sense of self, ‘The Art of Integration’ provides dedicated support to help you apply the tools and insights you’ve gained into the next chapter of your life. In this holistic 10-session coaching package, we focus on the essential work of integration—nurturing your new self and weaving your newfound wisdom, clarity, and vision into the fabric of your daily experiences.

Key Benefits:

Deepened Integration of Insights:

Further integrating insights gained from previous coaching experiences into everyday life, fostering deeper alignment and resonance with personal values and aspirations.

Strengthened Resilience and Adaptability:

Strengthening resilience and adaptability skills to navigate unforeseen changes and setbacks with grace and resilience, fostering a sense of inner stability and resourcefulness.

Grounded Confidence and Self-Assurance:

Cultivating a grounded sense of confidence and self-assurance, allowing for greater authenticity and assertiveness in navigating life’s challenges and opportunities.

✨ Embodied Creativity and Expression:

Deepening embodied creativity and self-expression as vehicles for innovation, problem-solving, and exploration of new possibilities in all areas of life.

Continued Personal Growth, Purposeful Living, and Integration:

Nurturing ongoing personal growth and development while integrating a sense of purpose and meaning into everyday actions and choices. This fosters a greater sense of fulfillment, alignment, and holistic well-being as you embrace your journey of integration and self-discovery.

1500 payable upon registration, either in full, OR divided into 10 monthly payments of €150.
  • 10 twice-monthly sessions on Zoom
  • Sessions are 90-120 minutes long
  • Support via Email or Voxer between sessions
  • Sessions will be customized to meet your needs and your specific situation.


  • Based on your current position, we’ll chart the path forward to further nurture your evolving vision and integrate your inner transformation into your external world. We’ll define specific, measurable goals based on the ‘new you’ and the new vision  for your life.

10 COACHING SESSIONS – 60 min. each

  • We will meet regularly to integrate your internal and external world and take action on your identified focus areas. Practice new tools and foster confident decision making, self-trust, resilience and adaptability.
  • Get accountability check-ins as your new life evolves between sessions.

Real Women - Real Breakthroughs


Absolutely! My coaching programs welcome women with varying levels of experience (or none) with the tarot. I work specifically with the 22 cards of the Major Arcana as a representation of archetypal lessons and stages on your specific journey.

Having said that, to reap the benefits of this tool it is vital to have an open mind and interest in working with the archetypes of the tarot.

All coaching programs come with a free physical copy of my “Inner Journey” deck consisting of the 22 Major Arcana cards of the Tarot.

No artistic skills or prior experience is necessary.

You likely have most of the materials for collage making, like magazines, scissors and a glue stick at home.

In my coaching with low-threshold therapeutic art activities, the emphasis is on using creative expression as a tool for deeper self-discovery  within the coaching context. My 2-year foundational training in art therapy allows me to apply my knowledge and experience within the context of coaching. While similar to art therapy, which is a distinct therapeutic discipline led by licensed art therapists, my coaching with therapeutic art activities doesn’t delve into deep therapeutic interventions. Instead, it provides a holistic, creative and intuitive tool for soul work and self-discovery within the coaching framework.

Therapeutic art activities form an integral part of my  programs complementing traditional coaching methods. They act as an intuitive self-discovery tool to access inner pictures and stories, aiding in the exploration of your subconscious thoughts and emotions.

Images are the language of the Soul. The images you will produce in the form of collages and other intuitive art forms will provide you with powerful visual representations of your journey and transformation that you can refer to for guidance and self-knowledge for years to come.

My coaching programs are designed to benefit women of all ages who are navigating significant life changes and transitions. Whether you’re in your twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, or beyond, my holistic approach is adaptable to various life stages, ensuring personalized support and guidance tailored to your unique journey.

Still got questions?

I am happy to answer all your questions and talk more about each program in a free discovery call! Just choose a free slot on my calendar. I can’t wait to meet you!


While my coaching programs can feel healing and therapeutic they are not meant to take the place of psychotherapy.